My Confirmation Memory Book (Updated 2025, includes 5th Class)
Perfect for celebrating the lead up to and after Confirmation. Print the first & last pages on card for durability. Laminate these pages afterward and bind with ribbon for a memory of the special Sacrament of Confirmation.
Included are pages to write and draw pictures or add photos;
*Our Church
*Our Priest
*Our Teacher
*My Confirmation Name
*My Sponsor
*Confirmation Art
*Confirmation Preparation
*Prayer pages
*Memories of the day pages
Perfect for celebrating the lead up to and after Confirmation. Print the first & last pages on card for durability. Laminate these pages afterward and bind with ribbon for a memory of the special Sacrament of Confirmation.
Included are pages to write and draw pictures or add photos;
*Our Church
*Our Priest
*Our Teacher
*My Confirmation Name
*My Sponsor
*Confirmation Art
*Confirmation Preparation
*Prayer pages
*Memories of the day pages
Perfect for celebrating the lead up to and after Confirmation. Print the first & last pages on card for durability. Laminate these pages afterward and bind with ribbon for a memory of the special Sacrament of Confirmation.
Included are pages to write and draw pictures or add photos;
*Our Church
*Our Priest
*Our Teacher
*My Confirmation Name
*My Sponsor
*Confirmation Art
*Confirmation Preparation
*Prayer pages
*Memories of the day pages